One Barrel Brewing
The culmination of years of home to commercial brewing – finally this label – with a passion for the craft, that has been quenching thirsts for most of humanity for over 15,000yrs. The name One Barrel Brewing Pty Ltd first registered with ASIC in Sept 2015 chosen from the potentially hundreds on a list, I was gifted a 100lt – rebirthed 70yr old port barrel so it seemed logical.
There’s been some delays and setbacks but here’s hoping for the majority of that to be in the past, onward and upward.
Currently OBB is a one person operation, with me Mark Prior – as the do pretty much everything person from sweeping the floors to Founder/Owner responsibilities, oh yep with all that brewing stuff included to.
My passion for the craft leads me along the path that many generations of artisanal brewers have travelled and experienced before me.
My background in brewing has been over 16yrs collecting a few peer awards along the way, entering the commercial realm in 2008 at a small micro brewery in the Barossa Valley S.A. My desire for the science of the craft – higher education included: brewing science courses with the World Brewing Academy, Chicago Illinois and at the University of Ballarat.
I personally like to keep things interesting by using as many different techniques, raw materials and ingredients, fermentation and maturation processes as feasibly possible.
A world of beer, brewed here.
So indulge yourself, consume some of my passion.
“Brewing is as simple or complicated as you want it to be“